Every ten minutes, someone is added to the national transplant waiting list in the American market. On an average 20-25 people die each day while waiting for a transplant surgery. The shortage of organ donors is not just confined to the US and scientists are turning to technology for help against this worldwide issue, In India and China the wait list is equally long. 3D Bio-printing market is expected to revolutionize the way humans are treated currently.
The North American market was worth USD 228.9 Million in 2018 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 14.9% till 2025. It is expected that this market shall remain the largest till the next 5-6 years in terms of adoption and usage of 3D bio-printing.
Bio-printers work on the same concept as 3D printers. The key difference between the two is that bio-printers deposit layers of biomaterial instead, which may include living cells, to build complex structures like blood vessels or skin tissue. To do this the required cells are taken from the patient and then cultivated until there are enough to create the bio-ink, which is then loaded into the printer (Source: Piotr Wnuk).
Bioprinting has been considered as one of the most promising technologies for fabricating artificial tissues and organs that could fast track and disrupt the conventional diagnostic tools and enhance the treatment of many different medical conditions. According to U Dmirci “Just as the printing press allowed massive amounts of information to be accessed at low cost for the first time in mankind’s history, so bio-printing could potentially provide a high-throughput and affordable way to assemble cells to make complex tissue constructs that are widely available to a very large number of researchers and scientists”
Demirci thinks that bio-printing is the process of using advanced additive manufacturing technologies to pattern biological materials, such as cells, biomaterials and biomolecules, for the fabrication of tissue-mimicking constructs. The technology requires biocompatible materials called bio-inks to act as the matrices for printed cells, which can then be grown in bioreactors to further develop and become functionally mature.
In terms of usage this report identifies dental implants and prosthetics to be major beneficiaries and offer more opportunities for new investors. In terms of technology, photo-polymerization shall have the largest market share in North America and shall grow up to USD 237.45 Million in 2025 (from USD 67.20 million in 2018).
This report also explores companies such as 3D Bioprinting Solutions Russia as one of the key companies for collaborations. The company recently announced the results of its study which produced the world’s first 3D printed transplantable organ, which will be used on a mouse. Another key collaborators could be Organovo in USA for the rest of the world market. For US Market, this company has just formed alliance with Samsara Science in 2018 and they are expected to work jointly towards this technology. Approximately $80 million from the federal government will be combined with more than $200 million in cost share to support the development of tissue and organ manufacturing capabilities. As part of continuing efforts to help revitalize American manufacturing and incentivize companies to invest in new technology development in the United States, ARMI will lead Biofab USA on behalf of the Department of Defense. Organovo is also advancing a preclinical program to develop its NovoTissues® liver therapeutic tissues for critical unmet medical needs, including certain life-threatening pediatric diseases. The Company has received orphan designation for its potential treatment of alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, its lead indication within the category of inborn errors of metabolism. Organovo is expected to change the shape of life science research and transforming medical care and a potential collaborator for new investors in the 3D bio-printing market.
Cellin, Bio3D, Organov are few companies that shall lead the market and competitors need to track the developments of these companies. The report also showcases key companies for collaborations and offers direct contact details of stakeholders. This is a must buy for venture capitals and bankers who are looking at future investments, along with HC IT companies, 3D printing companies looking for openings in bio-printing.
This report can open gates to new businesses worldwide. Currently there are more than 2,000 children on the transplant waiting list and more than 100,000 Americans nationwide awaiting a matching organ. Most children aged one through 10 are awaiting a kidney, liver, or heart. As with any transplant, there are two ways to find an organ – someone can donate, or someone can die. Unfortunately, the supply falls far short of the demand, leaving people to die every day waiting for a second chance at life. Scientific and medical experts, however, continue to develop promising technology like 3D bioprinting that could save thousands of lives without the need of a donor.