Every time a manufacture enters into a new market, they are worried about the right market entry strategy. If they are sure about their strategy then most of them are on a look out for the most suitable distributor in that region.
What is more important while looking for a dependable, long term distributor for your company’s products – is it financial stability? Or is it the success rate and network (reach) in a particular medial segment.
Stratview Research is exploring all the segments and coming out with a series of reports capturing segments such as Medical devices, pharma, diagnostics, connected health in healthcare and other markets such as ICT, Automobiles, Materials, etc. These series will be available as regional reports to maintain the focus, depth and coverage of the key distributors and companies in a particular region.
Each mini report will cover the details of the company, history, organization chart (where ever applicable), business stability, perception about the distributor among the buyer, PESTLE analysis of the particular country, penetration and reach and information on the future expansion plans of that distributor in their regions.
As a bonus the report will also address the regulatory framework in that particular region and comment on dos and donts. The reports will be regional in nature covering North America (US and Canada), Europe (EU5, Russia, others), South America (Brazil, Mexico and Argentina), Asia Pacific (Japan, China, India and Australia) and Middle East and Africa.
For more queries please write to sales@stratviewresearch.com