Mobile Mapping Market Analysis | 2023-2028
Mobile Mapping Market Size, Share, Trends, Dynamics, Forecast, & Growth Analysis: 2023-2028
Mobile mapping systems combine various navigation and remote-sensing technologies on a common moving platform, capable of providing efficient, fast and complete data collection.
The mobile mapping market was estimated at USD 32.54 billion in 2022.
The mobile mapping market is likely to reach USD 93.58 billion in 2028.
The mobile mapping market is likely to grow at a CAGR of 18.99% during 2023-2028.
Apple Inc, AISAN Technology, Autonavi, Baidu, Cycolmedia Technology B.V., Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Google LLC, Microsoft Corporation, Qualcomm Inc, Topcon Positioning Systems, Inc. are the key companies in the market.
The hardware segment has the largest share of the market during the estimated time.
Europe is expected to largest share of the market during the assessment period.
Major factors such as increasing demand for terrestrial mobile mapping in telecommunication and transportation, improved network connectivity, increasing penetration of mobile devices, and the growing role of optic fiber technology in driving smart cities are expected to boost the progress of the market during the assessment period.